Hi, I am Saw Giek Zhen

I am a

  • Digital Consultant
  • Fullstack Web Developer
  • UX Designer

My Bio

Saw Giek Zhen's profile picture

Summary about Giek Zhen

  • A Malaysian self-made programmer
  • Love everything about Digital and UX
  • Fond of fancy UI and animation
  • Can talk to you on any topics from User Experience to Science and Astronomy


My Development Tools

GIT Logo

GIT Version Control

Essential tool to manage constant changing project requirement and uncountable lines of codes.

Webpack Logo


Never worry about missing out deploying asset files again with this intelligent modules bundler.

NPM Logo

Node Package Manager (NPM)

Install and manage project dependencies with simple command `npm install` and a package.json

VS Code Logo

Visual Studio Code

Besides Sublime, VS Code is the best IDE that made development work even more seamless.